Having trouble knowing what to read or listen to in the wake of your own loss or knowing how to be there for your friend? We've created a list of the best books that will leave you feeling understood, known, and ultimately, help you wade through these uncharted waters of grief.
Recommended Books

Experiencing Grief
by Norman Wright
The basics of grief. This book will put words to what you are feeling and give you an understanding of what you can expect in the days ahead.
A Grief Observed
by C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis's vulnerable reflections on death, grief, and faith in the midst of loss after the death of his wife.
A Grace Disguised
How the Soul Grows Through Loss
A raw and honest reflection by Jerry Sittser of his personal journey of grief and loss.
Every Moment Holy, vol. 2 : Death, Grief, & Hope
In times when praying feels hard...A beautiful book of liturgies for seasons of dying and grieving.
God on Mute
by Pete Grieg
An honest, soul-searching of Biblical answers to the most challenging question: What do you do when God meets your prayers with silence?
Imagine Heaven
by John Burke
A collection of accounts of near-death experiences and a Biblical understanding of Heaven.
Kids Books on Grief:
The Rabbit Listened
by Cori Doerrfeld
Tear Soup:
by Pat Schweibert & Chuck DeKlyen
A grief classic. The recipe for healing after loss for both adults & children
The Invisible String
by Patrice Karst
Learning How to Relate to and Best Care for Those Who are Suffering:
by Kenneth C. Haugk
A look at the Biblical call to care for others and the practical tips and tools on how to best do so while holding both hope and pain together. This book will leave you feeling equipped and empowered to come alongside those in the midst of tragedy.

Sometimes music reaches the soul in ways words can't. We've put together a playlist of songs of lament and worship for a heavy heart in times of heartache.